Chamber of Commerce Membership

Do you want to expand your business and join a vast network of small business owners throughout the South San Francisco area? Become a member of the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce today! All you need to do is fill out our form below and a staff member will contact you shortly.

If you have any questions, call the Chamber at 650-588-1911 or email:

Note: Once you click Submit below, be patient while the form connects to our payment system.

Investment Chart Application

Chamber Benefits

Business In Brief, our monthly newsletter, informs members about community development, business news, and Chamber of Commerce activities. When you join, we add your name, company, address, and phone number to the “New Members” section. We also list renewing members once a year with their name and the year they joined. You also receive listing on our website and in the Chamber Business Directory.

Networking Contacts

Network with government officials and other Chamber members at our monthly mixers, and get to know other business owners at other Chamber activities throughout the year. We’ll always keep you informed of new events.

Involvement in Chamber Committees



Economic Development/Transportation


Chamber Benefits

Business In Brief, our monthly newsletter, informs members about community development, business news, and Chamber of Commerce activities. When you join, we add your name, company, address, and phone number to the “New Members” section. We also list renewing members once a year with their name and the year they joined. You also receive listing on our website and in the Chamber Business Directory.

Networking Contacts

Network with government officials and other Chamber members at our monthly mixers, and get to know other business owners at other Chamber activities throughout the year. We’ll always keep you informed of new events.

Involvement in Chamber Committees



Economic Development/Transportation


Chamber Benefits

Business In Brief, our monthly newsletter, informs members about community development, business news, and Chamber of Commerce activities. When you join, we add your name, company, address, and phone number to the “New Members” section. We also list renewing members once a year with their name and the year they joined. You also receive a listing on our website and in the Chamber Business Directory.

Networking Contacts

Network with government officials and other Chamber members at our monthly mixers, and get to know other business owners at other Chamber activities throughout the year. We’ll always keep you informed of new events.

Involvement in Chamber Committees

  • Ambassadors
  • Education
  • Economic Development/Transportation
  • Legislative

Join The Chamber